Allison’s Newest Creation

Sweater Front
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00831

Allison has made many amazing things through knitting. Her most recent creationis a sweater that she made with some mystery yard that she purchased a while back but didn’t like the project for it so she put the yard away and found another pattern that she did like. So she finished the project today and also blocked it and was ready to wear it out. I also took a photo of the sweater from the back.

Sweater Back

She did an amazing job.

Happy 47th and a Virtual Father Daughter Dance

Birthday Father Daughter Dance Selfie
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00830

I often share my birthday with other events. Back when I used to travel and go to movie premieres and stuff like that I had some incredible birthday adventures at age 41 and 43. I’ve also had birthdays where I’ve attended the annual Father Daughter dance at Eva’s school. Last year it was cancelled completely because of the pandemic. This year we could do a virtual father Daughter Dance. We bought kits that included sparkling cider, cups, a candle, a frame and a gift card to the whisk and paddle bakery. I think the actual date was for tomorrow night but I got a very good shave and a beard trim so that I could take my new license photo today.

We started off by getting dressed up. Eva was looking quite sharp in her vest and pants. She did her hair fancy, too. We opened the sparkling cider and had a toast.

Father Daughter Dance Toast

Then we put on some music on our phones and danced a round for a while in the back yard. I can only wonder what the neighbors thought of that.

Backyard Dance

I took the night off from work so that we could celebrate. We had my favorite pizza and cake. We watched a few shows on Disney + and then Allison and I watched a comedy on Netflix called Thunder Force. It was funny. Weird at parts but funny just the same. It was a very nice birthday.