Happy Easter 2021

Happy Easter 2021
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00825

It is a little crazy that for the second Easter in a row we are away from our family because of the pandemic. We made do by having a mini egg hunt with the kids inside. That lasted for about 4 minutes. They are very quick now. Eva is aging out of it but will hold on. I think I was 26 on my last one. But she is keeping the magic alive for her brother.

We had a fantastic lunch from Chub’s Blue Pig BBQ. We pre-ordered it and enjoyed it in the afternoon. It was a relaxing day for the most part. We did drive to parking lot church and had to park on a side street but we got to watch on Facebook Live and enjoy it. We did facetime with our families and are looking forward to the next few weeks when we can see everyone again.

Easter Cookies

Easter Cookies
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00824

Allison and the kids made some Easter cookies today. We’re ready for tomorrow and it will once again be a different sort of holiday. We’re home. We won’t be visiting my parents until school vacation week the week after next and at the end of that week the kids will she Allison’s parents so we’ll get some family time, it is just not happening on the holiday. We have a few things planned for tomorrow. We are going with our Easter meal from Chub’s Blue Pig BBQ. Last year it was from the Blackington, which was good but we figured we’d switch it up a bit this year.