Andy and his Cake

Andy and his cake
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00846

Not another birthday cake but Andy wanted to make a cake to enjoy with Mimi and Dano. He baked it the other day and decorated it. He was so excited to serve it to everyone tonight. We hung around home today. Had Chinese food, watched Spider-Man Homecoming, which Eva swears she never saw, but she did see it and then had some cake after the movie. It was a nice sendoff day to Mimi and Dano.

At the Asian Lantern Spectacular

At the Asian Lantern Spectacular
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00845

Today was a full day. It started off with a seminar at the Karate school. This was a special seminar with John Whitman. He showed us long gun defense and it was a really great seminar. When it was over he hung around a bit and we were able to get some photos taken together.

with John Whitman

Tonight we went to Roger Williams Park Zoo for the Asian Lantern Spectacular. This was a really nice event where we walked all around the zoo and were able to see huge lanterns that looked like animals. We got in at 5:30 so it wasn’t that dark, but once it got dark it really was incredible. I made a daily vlog about it.