I’m Not The Only Serial Photographer In The House

Photographing Body Wash
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00871

I picked up a special edition set of Marvel themed body washes from Everyman Jack. I’m not the only one in the house who enjoys these body washes. I learned that both Eva and Andy use my body wash, too. When I got the special edition ones Eva was first in line to give them a sniff test. There are four versions. Iron Man, Captain America, Black Panther and Spider-Man. I photographed the Spider-Man one and was going to use it for today’s photo but then Eva wanted it so that she could take a photo of it to sent to her best friend. So, instead, I photographed Eva photographing the body wash and that cracked me up. Here is my photo.

Shower Gel

We Have a Jealous Cat

Jealous Cat
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00870

Whenever Allison comes into Eva’s room and gives her a hug James comes out from wherever he is and meows at her. Allison told me about this tonight and so I tried to see if he would do that if I hugged Eva. I hugged her and so he did look up and meow at me. I then tried to catch he giving me the stink eye as I hugged Eva. It is pretty funny.