Batman/Fortnite Zero Point Comic Book 4 DeathStroke!

Batman Fortnite Issue 4
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00884

The fourth issue of Batman/Fortnite Zero Point is now out in stores. I picked up two copies for my upcoming giveaway. This issue we get the appearance of Deathstroke. He starts off by holding Catwoman at gunpoint to force Batman to listen to him but things quickly escalate and Batman and Catwoman overpower Deathstroke. Batman learns that he is now outside the loop and he can talk again. Suddenly all of his memories form being in the loop come rushing back all at once. Every battle comes back at the same time. However, none of his memories from before the loop come through. I go into much more detail in the video below.

The Hot Dog School Bus Has Left

Hot Dog School Bus
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00883

For almost as long as we have lived in this house, (10 Years) there has been faded a neon yellow school bus parked across the street. The school bus said Hot Dogs on it and at one time or another I am assuming that it was actually a working hot dog truck. However, I only ever saw it just sit on the lawn. For the past 10 years it sat there and today a flatbed came and took it away. I tried to capture the actual moment that it rolled away but I took a shower and turned away for 5 minutes after a half hour waiting for he truck to be load the school bus.