Dressing Up For Dress Down Day

Dress Up Dress Down Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01051

Today was dress down day at school and the them was dressing up. Andy wanted to wear his grey suit but the poor kid has grown so much this year that he no longer fits in it. I recently looked through the photos from this past year and he was able to wear it earlier in the year. I guess we did not realize how much he has grown. So, instead he choose the sweater vest and shirt. Eva wore her jacket and vest with her fancy shoes and Allison a beautiful dress. I caught them before they left the house for their day.

They had a good day. Andy said that the kids at school thought he was Harry Potter because of the color of the sweater, I guess. Eva described how half the kids in her class were dressed up and how one kid was dressed up for Zoom with nice clothe on his upper half and pajama pants on the bottom. Pretty genuis.

Cabbage Can Tell

Cabbage Can Tell
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01050

Today was Science Fair for Eva and her classmates as well as the 6th and seventh grades. It was held outside on the plaza at school. the plaza is the small space between the mods and the school building. It is not very big but not as claustrophobic as the church hall was in past years. I think that is more of a claustrophobic thing because of all the echoes off the walls. Being outside I could actually hear each of the students explain their experiments.

Eva’s experiment was testing local water for acidity using red cabbage. She did it all on her own and only asked Allison to order red cabbage.

I only took the one photo and I thought I caught her with her eyes open but I did not. Allison got this better photo.

Evas Science Fair