Antique Rolls Razor

Rolls Razor
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01149

I took Andy to get his hair cut today. We had to get him presentable for Grandpa Rick’s wake and funeral. While we were at the barber shop they showed us this razor that was my Great-Uncle’s and it may have actually been older than that. This barber shop displays a bunch of antique barber shop related items and it is a perfect place for this to live. They did not open it up so that we could see what the actual razor looked like but it is very cool and shiny. I just noticed that there was a little brush in with it as well. I’ll have to ask to see it closer the next time Andy has a haircut.

What Makes SMSH SMSH

Love About SMSH
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01148

During Catholic Schools Week the kids were given the assignment of writing what they think SMSH is all about. SMSH or rather, Saint Mary-Sacred Heart School, is where the kids go and where Allison works. Both kids wrote their thoughts on what makes the school special. They both had some great answers and I wanted to keep a record of that.

Andy wrote: “SMSH is important to me because the students and staff are kind and respectful. We have specials which are very fun. SMSH provides help to those in need. Here at SMSH we have tag days where the money goes to those in need , as well as food drives, and fund raisers. These are the reasons why SMSH is important to me.”

Eva wrote: “Everyone at SMSH is very welcoming and kind. Students and faculty always make new students welcome and appreciated. At SMSH everyone is equal and teachers are always ready to give students the assistance they need to be successful. All of the students find ways to be kind and inclusive to others. At SMSH everyone is welcomed into the Saints community.”