Pretzel Nachos

pretzel nachos
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01211

Our local pizza place has an item on the menu called Pretzel Nachos. It was national pretzel day today so I ordered some to try out. They were really good but it was way too much for me so I saved some for Allison and the Kids. If I was to get it again I’d order it for the whole family so we can all enjoy it fresh and not reheated. Although, Andy loved it either way. He was all about the Pretzel-chos.

Bear Necklace

Bear Necklace
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01210

When we were at the Wicked Comic Con I picked up a bear claw necklace. Eva and I were talking about creating a cosplay character and how this would be a good part of it. I was also looking for something to photograph tonight and trying to catch the detail of the necklace against the bokeh of the lights from my display case of Skylanders toys.