Pizza Lunch at the Park

Pizza Lunch at the Park
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01207

I got a notification earlier in the week that Fire Wagon Pizza was going to be at Capron Park Zoo. We went over at lunch and picked up a few pizzas and then had a picnic pizza lunch at the park. It was a nice day weather-wise and it was good to get a nice walk to the park and enjoy lunch together. A good end to the April vacation.

Bath Toys

Bath Toys
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01206

We have these two boats in the upstairs bathroom on the back of the bathtub. It has been several years since we have had need of these but they are still there. I plan to put them aside for grand kids at some point. They were such nice toys for the tub. Great for play and for pouring water on the kids.