Little Shivering Wet Bird

Shivery wet Birdie
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01624

I was grilling tonight when it started to rain. This very little bird was on the patio table with too much water on their wings. It hadn’t rained that much, though but it was a little guy so it was stuck. I was sitting at the table and trying very hard not to make much noise or encroach on the bird. It eventually made its way up the back of a chair and then another little bird came down to check on it. I turned my back and they flew away. I had thought that it had fallen but luckily it did not.

Framing My Black Belt Certificate

my black belt certificate
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01623

I think that today was the first day I could actually read the words on my black belt certificate without tearing up. I decided that I would make sure that this certificate would be framed expertly so I went to The Preservation Framer and picked out what I would like my frame to look like. The frame is thin and black with a black matte but also a thin line of a red matte. I wanted the red to remind me that I was a red/black belt for so long and that not only to stay humble in my further pursuits but also to remember that difficult things take time. Things worth doing take time.