National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

National Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01855

The other day I saw an post by Bliss Restaurant that today would be National Ice Cream for Breakfast day. I saw that they would have a oreo crusted fried ice cream and I knew I had to go and enjoy that. So, after work I got the family up and awake and out the door before 7:30 so we could go and get that ice cream for breakfast. We were the first people to order ice cream of any kind for breakfast. They were also doing a raffle or sweepstakes for anyone who ordered off the special menu of ice cream. I go the Oreo crusted fried ice cream and Allison got the liege waffle and ice cream. Andy went super plain and got a dish of French Vanilla with whipped cream and a cherry. I was a bit surprised at that when there were so many options for friend ice cream. They even had a fruity pebbles one and I would have thought that Andy would have chosen that.

Oreo Crusted Fried Ice Cream

In the afternoon I rode with my parents to the airport so that I could take their car back home. They’re off to Florida where they will meet up with my sister and her husband. I hope that they have a nice trip.


I’ve been working on a 28 hour print which finished up while I was at work tonight. What is very cool about my 3D printer is that it has a camera inside and with it I can see the whole print as it happens. So I was able to check in as it happened. What I printed was a sword for Andy, the sword is called Riptide and it is the sword that Percy Jackson uses. I like that the family has enjoyed watching the Percy Jackson show on Disney Plus. We watched the whole show together and it was really fun to do. Andy has wanted as sword and Riptide was the one that they decided upon.

When I got back from the airport Andy asked if they could walk up and get Boba. Andy has wanted to do this on their own ever since getting a phone. My parents gave them $10 so Andy used that and some of their own money to go up and get boba for themselves, Allison and Eva. We asked Andy to ask Eva is she wanted to go too but she did not. So, we let Andy go and do this on their own. Andy walked up and ordered 3 Boba drinks and brought them back. Before I went to work I asked Andy how much they had spent. Andy spent $23. So I gave Andy $20 and told them how much I was proud of how generous they were.

Before Disaster Strikes

Before Disaster strikes
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01854

I have not had great luck printing swords on the 3D printer. Andy wanted the sword from Percy Jackson and I did print one out and assembled it. However, it was too frail and after I glued it together, sprayed it and then started sanding it the thing fell apart. There was far too little material in the build so it had a ton of cracks all the way up and down the thing. I glued it so many different ways and yet it still was a problem.

So I found another print and I decided to try that. This one had little pins to help hold the parts of the sword together. Things were going well until one of the little pins fell over. When that happened the printer would continue to try and print the next layer of that pin but had nowhere to put the filament so the filament ended up everywhere and was starting to cause trouble to other parts of the build. I reached in to swipe out the excess filament a couple times and one time I was not quick enough and the printer head hit my finger and jammed it a bit. My finger is fine I pulled it back quickly. But, because of that the print was now off by a few millimeters and that threw the whole thing out of whack. Three hours of printing wasted. So, I stopped the printer, cleared the hotbed and removed the little pins as part of the build and started again. We’ll see if this thing prints correctly sometime tomorrow night. It is a 27 hour build.

Of course the first thing I told the kids was not to put their hands inside the printer when it is printing.