Deadpool and Wolverine …

Deadpool and Wolverine
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02026

I went to see Deadpool and Wolverine today because I was not going to let spoilers happen to me with this movie. I knew that there would be a lot of surprises and some may even be unspoiled. I was right to go and see it as soon as it arrived at the theater. There was so much in this movie and so many cameos and surprises. I loved it. I laughed like crazy and had a great time.

there was a time when I used to go to Disney and get to interview the actors of Marvel movies. I haven’t done that in many years now. I hadn’t been as excited for Marvel movies like I had been either but I knew that this one was going to be the one I had to see on day one. I really enjoyed the other Deadpool movies and Hugh Jackman has always been a great Wolverine. Seeing these two characters together was awesome! Can’t say much more about it but it was a very funny movie and I look forward to what Marvel puts out next and whether or not this movie will have an impact on that, storywise.

Consolidating the Entertainment Center …

entertainment center
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02025

With Allison’s parents arriving tomorrow we have been in full scale cleaning mode. While cleaning is occuring there is also some reorganizing happening. Allison cleared out one of the shelves in the entertainment center and decided that we should place all the components and game systems in those shelves. I got out my power drill and made a hole in the back of the entertainment center and rerouted all the wires and put all the components on the shelves. Luckily everything fit and it looks much neater. Now there is only one set of wires that is coming down in the middle of the TV but we can put something in front of that to block it.