I Did A Thing Today …

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02065

Andy has been going to Rock Spot and rock climbing for about 2 years now. I’ve gone with them almost every time to drop them off and pick them up. Well, there was a deal for 10 sessions this Summer and id decided to buy it so that I was forced to try climbing. The weird thing is that I never used to be afraid of heights as a kid but as I got older it creeped into my mind. I mean, I used to run around on roofs helping my dad with shingling the roofs and stuff. So there was a time when I was not scared.

rock wall

So, I faced my fears and gave climbing a go. I found that it was a lot harder than I had expected. Not so much the heights but the actual climbing. I am going to have to build up my strength to do this. I didn’t even get all the way to the top of any of the climbs today. But I have several more trips to make and continue to try to get to the top.

Apparently my two days of walking was too much for my feet because I got a huge blister on my left foot. It probably popped while I was climbing. So, a few days of taking it easy before I get back out on the road again.