Some Fire Wagon Pizza for Dinner …

Fire Wagon Pizza
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02074

While I was out today I noticed that Nolan’s Flowers was having a little pop up event. I saw the familiar wood fire grill of Fire Wagon Pizza and thought, that would be good for dinner. I messaged Allison and asked that she pick some up on the way home.

When I woke up Allison and I went to Nolan’s together and bought three pizzas. We were lucky, too because they only had 5 left after we ordered ours. We got a pepperoni, Shelly and a bbq chicken. The shelly was chicken, pickles, and ranch. It was very good. We enjoyed the pizza in the back yard with Allison’s friend Colleen and her dog, Shamrock.

This pizza is some of the best. It doesn’t make you feel so full and bloated like some other pizza places. It was a good find coming across this pop up event.