Constructicon Colored Bus …

Constructicon Colored Bus ...
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02144

This morning before I went to bed I went for a walk and a couple of streets over I saw this school bus painted the neon green of the Decepticon team, the Constructicons. There were no other markings on the bus so I wonder what it is for. Is someone creating a Tiny home out of it? Are they turning it into a party bus of some sort.

Saturday Afternoon Stroll …

Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02143

Ever since installing WalkFit on my phone I’ve gotten daily reminders to get in the 4900 steps. I’m about to start a second week with the app and the amount of steps has increased to 5900. That is fine during the week when I have the time. However, on the weekend it gets tricky. Luckily I was working from home so I could go for a walk before dinner.While walking up one of the streets the sky looked really cool so I took a photo of that. I ended up getting in my steps.