Down To The Harbor …

down to the harbor
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02177

I took my walk this morning because today we were heading home around noon so that I could work tonight. I decided to go the opposite direction of where I had gone the other days and instead of heading to Great Bay first I headed to the Falmouth Harbor. The water was very calm this morning. I was able to catch one of the boats heading out of the harbor as I came down the hill. I then walked up and around the Falmouth Plaza that now has an Aldis. I walked through the Aldis since I had never been in one before. There were some treats that I was very interested in picking up on a future trip. I then walked behind Walmart over to Marivista and back to the house.

In the later morning andy and I helped dad put a bunch of things away for the Winter. We loaded up the outside shower with tables and chairs and then his tires into the Van.

We drove home and I took a nap to get ready for work because I was working tonight but off tomorrow.