Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02259
I was driving Andy to school this morning. We were stopped at the light on the corner of County and Thatcher waiting for the green light. Suddenly we were bumped from behind. The kid behind me had accidentally gunned his gas and tapped us significantly. I got out to look at the bumper and we pulled into 123 Gas on the corner.
I was a bit shaken and I had Andy walk to school the rest of the way so that they would not be late. Then I dealt with the issue. I was a bit out of sorts from the adrenaline spike of getting hit. I started to shake a little and feel dizzy. So when I called 911 I asked for an ambulance as well. They came and checked my vitals and I was fine. I think I just needed a moment to calm down. The police came and we got a police report. The rest of the day I was on the line with my insurance, his insurance and an auto body shop. Granted, the bumper only has a rather small crack in it, fixing it is going to cost a pretty penny. There are more components to this back bumper than I expected Plus I have to replace my Transformers custom stuff. The estimate only put that at $6. It cost more to get that custom but maybe it can be salvaged.
Andy and I are both fine. But don’t think that I don’t tense up at that same spot when I drive by it every day.