Happy Easter… PAD #1080

Happy Easter... PAD #1080

Today was Easter and we went to the Cape to visit my grandparents and also to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary. We had a wonderful day and Eva got to spend time with many family members including Aunt Shelby. Eva also had a very cute easter dress. Here are a bunch of additional photos.

Thank you Easter Bunny...


Happy Family

Bad Hair Day

Eva loves her picture

Uncle Richard and Eva

Happy 60th

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20 thoughts on “Happy Easter… PAD #1080”

  1. Drew, It was a nice day. Grandma very much enjoyed seeing Eva and having her family, sharing the day with her. It was good food and good time with family. Thank you to you and Allison for taking the time to help make it a nice day. Mom also thanks you. Have a safe trip.

  2. Yeah Christine, that was a cute one. I took a bunch on rapid fire and I have her sticking her tongue out a few times.

  3. Thanks Mo, the dress was a very nice thing for Allison she and her mom thought about buying it for her. It is a sweet story. And who doesn’t love a kid sticking her tongue out like a rascal.

  4. Thanks Mr. Fab, what do you think of the beard. I have notice too that you tend to comment after every cleavage contest update. I think the only pair I knew were yours. And that is sad, but I recognized the shirt.

  5. Thanks Mr. Fab. I haven’t had to trim it yet, it hasn’t all come in to my liking so far.

    Ummm… Thanks, I guess.

  6. Thanks Ada, that certainly is quite an accomplishment. And thanks for the nice words about Eva. She did look very cute yesterday.

  7. Such a beautiful family.
    She’s growing so big, it just seems like yesterday I got the birth announcement in my email.

    I can’t believe it took me this long to remember to put your blog in my feedreader either. Ah, well.

    Belated Happy Easter.

    Ami-chan’s last blog post..Geeking Out

  8. Hi Ami-chan,
    Thanks for adding me to your feed reader. With the linky list I visit your blog daily and I have it on the reader as well.

    Thanks for the great comments as well. Eva is growing by leaps and bounds.

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