Fitzy’s Return 2023

Fitzy the Elf
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01789

Our elf on the shelf has returned once again. We’re not sure if this is the last year that he’ll be flying around the house or not. Andy does not seem that excited to see Fitzy or find Fitzy every day like in years past. I am thinking that Andy may be humoring us this year. We’ll we’ve had a good run of creating magical memories for the kids over the years with this elf. Many people hate the elf for various reasons. He’s a tattletale and whatnot. But Fitzy has always been well received by the kids except for the one time that he ended up in the bathroom. Eva was having none of it when that occurred. We’ll see at the end of the Christmas season if this will be Fitzy’s last hurrah.