I once again cannot name this flower. I think it is pretty interesting though and hope to figure out what exactly it is. I took a few other photos of it as well.
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Hi Drew, that looks like some sort of Snap dragon,looks like you have a few to go before it finishes flowering.
Cheers Mark
Yep, that is not in full bloom by any means.
Is that photo taken by you ? Nice photo =)
Actually I am not quite understand on how the participate green thumb sunday works ? is it a meme ?
please advise.
Hi Keeyit,
I did take those photos. It is very easy to participate in Green Thumb Sunday. This link will tell you everything you need to know. http://feverishthoughts.com/garden/join-green-thumb-sunday/ I hope that you decide to participate in this weekly meme.
Your flower is definitly a snapdragon. Nice pictures. Happy GTS!
nice pictures
What a beautiful and delicate looking flower. Your photos are stunning as always.
Sara from farmingfriends
Nice flower, whatever it is. I would also guess snapdragon. I especially like the markings.
Fabulous photos, they really show the markings on your flower blooms. I certainly does look like a type of snapdragon.
I asked a question on my Green Thumb Sunday post as well .. I just love it when gardeners from around the world help me identify things.
Is that in your yard? Or did you find it elsewhere?
Thanks Chris and Laurie, A snapdragon it is. Thanks for the help on the identity.
Thank you Dirk.
Thank you Sara, I appreciate your weekly visits as well as the nice compliments. The flowers do all the work, I just bring them to the web.
Thanks. I think the overall choice has been snapdragon. I think I will agree with that. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Hi Crafty G., I love getting help identifying flowers from such knowledgeable great people. That is what I like so much about GTS.
Hi Lisa,
These were in the front yard. My sister has the green thumb and she does all the great plantings around the house.
I don’t know the flower.
What I like about it is that the buds are swollen and ready to burst open on the bottom and they are younger and younger as you go up the stem. An obvious thing, but beautiful to see.
voted, and voted, and there, just voted again.
Thanks so much Meeyauw, I appreciate all the votes and thanks for the comments too. The buds are getting younger up the flower, there are still so many not blooming yet, but once they are done they will look even better, I like the in transition look though.
are these the ones that if you squeeze them they make a popping noise like bubble wrap?
and i only did it once, when i was little, and got busted…so no yelling!!
I don’t know if that is what type they are, I probably won’t try and find out though.