A Clean Bill of Health for Eva

Photo-A-Day #2665

Today we had a special appointment with the cardiologist for the two kids. When Eva and Andrew were born the doctor heard murmurs. Eva had a hole in her heart, a small one, that is what a murmur is. This was a small hole that had been closing and today she got the clearance that the hole was completely closed. We are very happy to hear about this.

As for Andrew he had three holes and his were a bit more serious. While he did not get the full on okay today the news was good in that he’s one healthy boy who is getting bigger and thriving so we are happy and hopeful. Andrew will get a checkup a year from now. You can’t keep this smiley boy down.

We promised Eva that if she was brave at the doctors that we’d go to dinner at House of Fortune. She was great so we went and Eva was very excited because Auntie Shelby made a surprise visit to have dinner with us. It was a very nice dinner and the meal was awesome as usual. Andrew had all the servers laughing and cooing over him. Each time they got close enough to him he was stealing things out of their aprons. If we had let he he would have made off with a fortune in chopsticks.

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