(Photo: Ali Goldstein/Netflix)
I came downstairs today to find that Andrew had, completely on his own, discovered Julie’s Greenroom. This is a brand new show starring Julie Andrews. This new show debuted on March 17th and I’ve been meaning to watch it with Andrew and Eva. He beat me to it and he absolutely loved it. how do I know, he watched the first episode 3 times today. Once on his own, once with me and once with my mom. I thought it was cute and my mother loved it. I think she liked it even more than Andrew.
The very first episode starts off and introduces the cast which consists of human characters and puppet characters including a puppet duck and puppet dog. The main point of the show is to advocate for the arts and the positive impact that creativity can have on every child’s life. There are even special guests including Idina Menzel, Sara Bareilles and Alec Baldwin to name a few. Idina Menzel was in the first episode.
the show is really cute and full of great information about the arts. The show is brought to life by the Jim Henson Company and looks to be something that will capture the attention of kids (and parents) everywhere. If you’d like, I have some Conversation Starters About Julie’s Greenroom.

Julie’s Greenroom isn’t the only inspiring thing on Netflix right now. Earlier this month we had a snow day and during it we watched the Netflix original movie, The Little Prince. I wasn’t sure what to expect but it wasn’t what we saw. I was really blown away by the story of this movie. I have the poem in book form somewhere on the shelf. a friend of mine got me a copy because she loved the book. I think I had to read it for high school but I can’t tell you what it was all about. This movie made me want to read the book because it was done so well. The animation was cool and the story very good. It had a very strong female lead character and I could see it made an impression on Eva.

Eva watches quite a few shows that have some strong female characters. She adores Project MC2 and constantly asks me when the next season will come out. I really wish that this wasn’t so short every season. One to three episodes is just not enough. Eva wants more!

Another show that we all enjoy as a family is Trollhunters. We cannot wait for the next season to drop. Eva identifies with the character of Claire. Claire is smart and tough. She can take care of herself and isn’t some dainty damsel in distress. She wields a rather dangerous weapon but has learned to master its powers well.

The female characters on DreamWorks Dragons: Race to the Edge can also handle weapons with ease. They are also good partners for the male characters on the show. Each of the female characters can handle themselves and at times are more than a match for any of the guys.
Before I get into what I’m watching these days on Netflix I do want to put out there something really cool! Netflix and the creators behind DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender are releasing 12 episodes of the original 1984 series, Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Intro’s from the cast and crew of DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender include commentary from Joaquim Dos Santos (Executive Producer), Lauren Montgomery (Co-Executive Producer), Tim Hedrick (Story Editor), Josh Hamilton (Story Editor), Josh Keaton ( voice of Shiro), Kimberly Brooks (voice of Allura), Steve Ahn (Director), Chris Palmer (Director), Mitch Iverson (Writer), Christine Bian (Design Supervisor), Benjamin Kaltenecker (Line Producer), and Jeff Adams (Supervising Picture Editor), all sharing their favorite moments from the classic Voltron: Defender of the Universe series that inspired their work today. This is so cool and I can’t wait to see this with the kids. Here is a quick trailer.
And Now for what I’m watching on Netflix.
That is what the kids are watching on Netflix. Me, I was super-excited to finally see the launch of Marvel’s Iron Fist. I binge watched the entire season over a weekend. I wanted to see it all and see it first before anyone could spoil it for me or before I read any reviews. I wanted to form my own opinions of the series. I really liked it and one of the characters that really stood out more for me than in any other Marvel series on Netflix was Claire Temple, the nurse played by Rosario Dawson. This character has been a part of all of the Marvel series on Netflix. She is smart, strong and has a level head. she keeps cool under pressure and isn’t afraid to get involved in the fight even if she is clearly out of her depth fighting members of The Hand. In this series, in particular, she really stood out. Her character has really evolved over the past 3 series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones & Luke Cage). I look forward to what role she will play in The Defenders when that comes to Netflix in September. I really wish that was going to be more than 8 episodes long.
The other show that I am watching is Hell on Wheels. This is an older show that aired on AMC for five seasons. I started watching it because I had learned that Anson Mount, the star, will be playing Black Bolt in Marvel’s Inhumans which will also be 8 episodes long, but won’t be on Netflix. Although, I think eventually that will be where you can watch it.
Hell on Wheels follows a former Confederate soldier, Cullen Bohannon, who finds work as a foreman on the railroad as it cuts a swath across America. His separate purpose is to bring vengeance on the men who killed his family. Cullen is a complex character and you learn more about him and his past each episode.