This photo is over a year later than the last one we took of Eva in the old truck. Check out our visit last year to West Palm Beach Zoo.
Since we have the membership to Capron Park Zoo we get some special admission prices at zoos all over the country. At the West Palm Beach Zoo we get half off for each of us so we go on each trip to Florida. Today we went with Grandpa Dano. We started with a few rides around the carousel for Eva. For a Carousel that is full of so many beautiful animal options like, sea dragon and hummingbird, Eva goes for the horse, on the inside. She was the only kid on the thing and so photos the first ride weren’t that great. For the second trip around I convinced her to move to the outside and she found the one horse on the outside to sit on.

We enjoy this zoo because it has Eva’s favorite animal, the white alligator called Mardi. She loves visiting this animal at the end of the trip. She was very sad when the white alligator at Capron park had to leave and we got a green one instead.

There was a water element to this zoo but not nearly as great as the one at Lion Country Safari. At LCS there is a lifeguard who helps maintain order. Not the case at West Palm. There is a fountain at the entrance to the zoo with a few signs with the rules but no one pays attention to them. They just let their kids run around and do whatever they want. There was a little boy who was chasing kids with an alligator head on a stick, the kid bothered Eva and also knocked Andrew down. I did not realize it was the same kid till I watched the video later. I though it was just a little kid who accidentally knocked him over but in the video this little shit put out his hand. It was deliberate.
We probably should have said something to the parents about his behavior. Some thoughts came to mind like walking over to the parents and handing them $10 and then going over to the kid and breaking his toy in front of him. Obviously we would never do that, but it was tempting.

The rest of the zoo was nice. Eva had a nice time seeing the animals and taking photos. We got to watch the zookeepers talk about the black bears and do some training with them. I got a nice photo of the bear in the water.

It was a nice day.
Marcia and Dano watched the kids for us so Allison and I could sneak out to the movies. We went and saw Man of Steel and it was pretty amazing. We both enjoyed it very much and discussed it all the way home. It is cool that Allison likes these super hero movies with me.