Photo-A-Day #4135
Tonight my mom took us to see the Hyannis Sound. This is an a capella group that has been touring the Cape since 1984. Each year their are new members. The group was performing at a small church off Main Street in Falmouth. We got there a little early and waited in line fore about 15 minutes. It was a nice mild night and so perfect if you want to wait in a line. We got in and took our seats. The group performed really well and both Andrew and Eva enjoyed the performance. Eva enjoyed it very much. I liked it, they were talented and funny.
On the way down to the Cape I stopped and picked up some Somerset Creamery ice cream. I got Cranberry Bog to take to Allison. That is her favorite. I got myself Peanut Butter Oreo in a waffle cone. I am a sucker for Waffle cones, I love them. I used to make them when I worked at the Dairy Tower at the Casino. While enjoying my cone I watched my friend Justin’s latest vlog. Justing broke his vlogging camera a ways back and when I heard I asked if he’d like my old NX300 camera from my Imagelogger days. He said sure so I sent it off to him. He made a nice video on his first time out with the came which you can check out here – STRANGER THINGS IN WEIRS BEACH NH! OUR VISIT TO SOULFEST 2016 AND FUNSPOT! And here is today’s vlog.