All posts by Drew is about my life through photography. Each image is a gateway to a story about my daily life. Occasionally funny, inspiring, interesting or creative is real life in photos. With over 4200 consecutive days and many different cameras has documented images from the mundane to the amazing.

Still in a Daze …

not my car
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02127

I’m still a bit dazed from the results of the presidential election. I was at Xfinity to get a new phone because it was time for mine to be replaced. I was trying to wait longer but the volume buttons are so messed up that I kept it as long as I could. So, I went and got a new phone and when I left the building I walked out to my car, hit the button to unlock it and got it. Immediately got in and realized that something was off. The seats were not in the right spot. Then I noticed that the car had leather and mine does not. I had gotten into the wrong car.