All posts by Drew is about my life through photography. Each image is a gateway to a story about my daily life. Occasionally funny, inspiring, interesting or creative is real life in photos. With over 4200 consecutive days and many different cameras has documented images from the mundane to the amazing.

Continuing to Build The Setup …

lego filming setup
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02113

I’ve been working on the LEGO filming setup in my office. Today I added a webcam and new microphone, a lighter one for the boom arm. I am also going to get something to put around the lower level, the building level of the standing desk. This will let me put the lego pieces down and it will prevent them from falling off the platform (hopefully). I am running into some issues with regards to the wiring setup I have going on. The issue is that I have to try and wire things a couple ways in order for all cameras, displays and microphones to work and I want to be able to switch things quickly. It has been a challenge and I have been learning more about what my computer can and cannot do with the tech that I want to run on it. Still working on it but hope to start filming soon.

Back to Basics …

back to the goatee
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #02112

For months I grew out my hair and beard for a cosplay at Granite State Comicon. Today I went to Rome’s and Zack trimmed up the beard back to a goatee. I like this look much better than the beard, the beard was good for the costume but it started to flair out and get bushy. This Friday I have the Father Daughter Dance with Eva and I wanted to get my look cleaned up before the event. Zack was available today so I scooted over there and he trimmed me up. I’ll be coloring it later on so that it looks more natural on Friday.