All posts by Drew is about my life through photography. Each image is a gateway to a story about my daily life. Occasionally funny, inspiring, interesting or creative is real life in photos. With over 4200 consecutive days and many different cameras has documented images from the mundane to the amazing.

TV Squad & God Inc Episode 3

I think that is going to become one of my new favorite blogs. It has a finger on the pulse of what is happening on TV. I discovered this site through Pop Candy because it has a listing of when all of the shows are coming back from hiatus or break or whatever sports event was happening to stop regular TV from happening. TV Squad has all the latest TV news. Who is feuding with whom. They had a story about the supposed break between Piven and Cusack. If that is true that really is disappointing. I had read long ago that they were friends growing up in the same stage acting club run by the Pivens. It is sad, if this is true. I hope they can mend the fences and still be friends. A long friendship like that is important. (And no I will not say they have to hug it out).

Take a look at TV Squad as well as AdJab (A blog about commercials. They had a commercial with Bruce Campbell for Old Spice. I have no idea when this commercial came out. It is so Bruce too.


I guess God, Inc Episode #3 is now up. It is about someone stealing God’s lunch. Funny little program.

Photo-A-Day #642 01/10/07

Photo-A-Day 642 011007

This is Oliver in mid yawn. I love it because he looks goofy and lately he’s been looking a little to tough with the big scratch across his nose. Ollie was sitting and laying wrapped up in a green blanket and he looked so cute so I got my camera and started to take his picture. This is Oliver’s cue to get up and un-cute himself. But I got him back I put up a goofy picture of him on the Internet as Photo-A-Day.

Why is it that when a plane arrives early to the airport this means that you are going to arrive in the terminal 20-30 minutes late. Yes, this happened to me today. I flew from Cedar Rapids to ORD and we arrived early. Cause for celebration, um no. This means we park for a while because there is a plan at out gate, them we take the scenic route to the gate after a 10 minute site. all in all my flight was supposed to get in at 8:00am and we got in at 7:50am but didn’t get to the gate and off the plane till 8:25am. I hate hearing that we got there early because efficiency is not rewarded in air travel. It just isn’t. On a good note Allison’s bags actually arrived today via FedEx. Now we need to ship the shower gifts back down to PA. It never ends.

Had lunch with Allison today, she was very happy that I didn’t end up gong to TX and I didn’t end up gone for an entire week. I’m glad to be home but was also looking forward to some Texas pictures. Oh well, I am headed to Texas next month (as of now) We’ll see about some pictures then.We’ll see about some pictures then.

Also Birthday wishes to Lindsay, Michelle, and Peggy who share their birthdays with Allison.

Thanks everyone who sent Allison cards, e-cards and called her. My second demo this week got canceled so I was able to make it home for Allison’s birthday. Glad we have such wonderful friends and family.