Today Allison, Eva, Andrew and I went with my Dad to Red Stone Grill for the Annual Santa Brunch. While the Santa they had this year was good this was absolutely not the same as it has been in past years. The major difference is that Santa was not Uncle Howard. He really played a great role in making the experience a fantastic one. He would go from table to table and talk to the patrons and even give out gifts to the kids. This Santa just stayed at the entrance and greeted people as they came in. Eva kept asking when Santa would come to our table.

Eva is such a sweet love. Before we went to the brunch she drew a special picture for Santa.

She completely talked Santa’s ear off too. She told him that she was looking for Skylanders for Christmas. So we finally got Eva to say something that she wants and thank goodness because I got all the ones she wants except for Ninjini. I explained that she is not out yet and Santa is not allowed to give out toys that haven’t made it to the stores yet, it isn’t fair. She seemed to let that slide.

Andrew was so well behaved on Santa’s lap though. He sat there perfectly while Santa held him. He didn’t squirm and he didn’t cry, he just hung out there.

Brunch was sub par. Last year they had a really big spread and made to order omelettes. They also had a guy cutting pieces of roast beef and ham. This year was dang near pathetic. The sausage and bacon weren’t very good. The selection was cheap and that wasn’t near enough value for $16 a person.
After the brunch we went to Attleboro Farms and picked out our Christmas Tree. Then I finally got some sleep from working the night before. Woke up with a Migraine and ended up out sick. Dad picked up the tree for us and brought it to our house. When I woke up for dinner Allison and I brought the tree into the house. I sure hope that it survives the night.
We also had a very mischievous Fitzy last night. He got artistic with our family photo.

What a little character.