We’ve been very crafty around the house lately. I wrote a post for the Cooper & Kid site about the Crayola site for crafting. Today Eva and I created a Leprechaun trap/hotel. She had a bunch of ideas about what to make. We worked all afternoon on it and I think that she was pretty happy with the final results. Click below for a few more photos of our completed Leprechaun trap.

We were very busy creating this project. In addition to covering the entire box with a dark green paper we made a tree as well as a well. Eva wanted a special path made and it had to be straight. I suggested a twisty path but she insisted on straight. We had quite the discussion on that point.

To make the path we taped a piece of paper to the bottom of the building and then drew the pathway. There had to be plenty of room for a yard for the Leprechaun to play in. We also made a tree and the well using a toilet paper roll and a Pringles container. We also used the remainder of the stickers from making the place mats for dinner tomorrow night on the yard.

I decided that the path should be a cobblestone one.

We have to entice the Leprechaun to come and stay in our building/trap. So we made it look as nice as possible and added some Lucky Charms and mini donuts. The Mini donuts were inspired by an article from Family Fun Magazine.

While the donuts from the project are actually ones that can be edible I only had time to add puffy paint. Luckily we had some gold and silver glitter ones and bright purple to make some interesting looking ones.

When we were done creating our masterpiece we took these photos with the NX300 and the 60mm macro lens plus the NX30 and the 30mm lens. Eva was happy to play around with the NX30. She loves it.

The welcome wagon is rolled out and we are looking forward to a visit from a mischievous leprechaun. I’m not sure if he’s going to trash it or leave a nice note. I did take the Lucky Charms and write out “Thank U!” for Eva to see in the morning.
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