Today we came down to the Cape house. It is time for summer vacation and what better week than 4th of July week to come down. The kids are excited to be somewhere new and we are happy to be down. I get such good sleep when I am here because I hear next to nothing. Of course, this is bad if Andrew gets up and starts crying. He’s on that side of the house that I never hear.
Eva and I came up early and did some cleaning up around the place to help out my Mom and Dad. Mom broke her arm the day before the last day of school so she might actually slow down for a second or two and let us do something around here. I vacuumed the downstairs and the second floor, got our room ready and put together Andrew’s Pack and Play, next year he’ might be ready for the Goldilocks bed and we can do away with the pack and play, he hates it.
There are a bunch of bunnies around here. Eva and Andrew had fun trying to get close to them. Eva was more quiet and calm, Andrew chased them while shouting.

How sweet the picture of a little bunny! Also love the gorgeous hydrangeas