I am super excited to see the trailer for Captain Marvel. It was released today and it looks great. There is so much happening in the trailer and so many things that you may have missed. I’m going to give a bit of a rundown of what I saw in the trailer. It is funny because, just this morning I picked up the Entertainment Weekly issue with Captain Marvel on the front and many of the photos below inside. I went out to my car and noticed that people had put up the photo of the poster and that usually means that the trailer is out. I checked and sure enough. I started the trailer and had the sound pumping through my car stereo so it was so cool to see and hear it like that the first time. I watched it many more after that.
I’ve been reading a bunch of Comics on my Marvel Unlimited App and many have to do with Captain Marvel. I just finished the whole Civil War II run and since that is a conflict between Tony Stark and Carol Danvers, there was a lot of Captain Marvel to read about. Also, just yesterday I unboxed the latest Marvel Gear + Goods Loot Crate and it was called Take the Lead, as in Women take the lead. It has a fantastic Captain Marvel Poster and also a lanyard with the Captain Marvel symbol. I posted a video unboxing of that and will put it in below. but first, the epic trailer!
How amazing was that!! Before I tell you what I think of it and give it a full on breakdown scene by scene here is the unboxing I did of the Marvel Gear + Goods box which you can buy through my affiliate link. There is also a great image of Captain MArvel on the inside of the box. I cut if out and gave it to Eva. I cannot wait to show her the trailer when she comes home from school!
Buy Loot Crat through me at http://bit.ly/BenSparkLootCrate use code BENSPARK for money off your purchase, too.
Let’s do a little breakdown 0f that epic trailer!
So, Captain Marvel crashes to Earth and into a Blockbuster video store, so you know it is set in the past. It is set in the 90’s and that means we will see some characters that we know and love as their younger selves. Isn’t technology crazy! So, she crashes to Earth from a ship that exploded in the atmosphere because it was she that crashed, no ship, just her. She is in her green suit from the Starforce that she is part of an elite team of Kree. And did you catch that she crashed in the Action section. Nice.

Samuel L. Jackson is doing the voiceover. He’s talking about Captain Marvel as a Renegade soldier from above. This is his first encounter, so it seems, with something extra-terrestrial. The thing is, Carol Danvers is from Earth, so how is she fighting as part of an elite Kree unit. We’ll have to see, probably during flashbacks, how this happened. There are tons of flashbacks in the trailer, too. Carol growing up, going through basic training, being a fighter pilot and more.
We enter a S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where there is an autopsy being done to a what appears to be a Skrull. Watching may be Agent Coulson and Nick Fury is definitely there, he’s holding a big gun, just in case. We also see a ship in the uppoer atmosphere of earth and another ship or maybe just a pod appears out of nowhere above it. Then we get some action and Carol using her powers. Nick Fury also gives you his “I’m Getting to Old for this $#@!” type of line. Was he really getting too old to get out of the spy game? Nick Fury then connects with Carol Danvers and they take a road trip, probably to that S.H.I.E.L.D. facility.

Carol explains that she thinks that she may be from Earth, she’s getting flashes of memories. She’s on an alien world. then she is in an airplane hangar and walking out to the jets with her friend Maria Rambeau. The interesting thing here is that Maria is a single mother and her daughter’s name is Monica. That is the name for a character who is the hero, Photon. Coincidentally, that is her mother’s call-sign on the side of her jet in the image above.

We then see several memories and scenes where Carol is falling down. In Basic Training, on a baseball diamond, at the beach and on an alien world. She is no stranger to life being difficult. Then we cut to her in some alien restraints that have her bound by her legs and arms but also energy pulsing through her head.

We then see a few quick cuts of the alien world that she is on and the other members of Starforce. We see Jude Law’s character, who may or may not be Mar-Vell the original Captain Marvel. Then we cut to a couple of clips of her flying, in what may be a ultralight as a kid, in a get as an adult and a spaceship. These are all things that make her smile. The transition here is fantastic because they focus on HER of A Hero as they pull the scene wider. We then get quick clips of Skrulls, then Carol punching and old woman (it’ll make sense if you understand that Skrulls are shape shifters), a young Phil Coulson and a Young Nick Fury. We also get Carol flying under her own power in space with Starforce and she has the mohawk. It is awesome. We also see Nick Fury’s pager, a more regular version from the time period, not a suped-up one from the end of Infinity War.

At the last bit of the trailer when the music comes up in a heroic way we get an explosion of blue energy engulfing Carol. Another shot of her in her space suit and then her hand tightens into a fist.Next come some great visuals of Carol getting up after each of the earlier falls. It is very moving. We know that she is a fighter and no matter how many times life knocks her down she is getting back up and she is getting back up fighting.

Then at the very end she starts to go binary (Another name that she went by in the comics) and she says, “I’m not what you think I am.”
Official Symopsis:
Set in the 1990s, Marvel Studios’ CAPTAIN MARVEL is an all-new adventure from a previously unseen period in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe that follows the journey of Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe’s most powerful heroes. While a galactic war between two alien races reaches Earth, Danvers finds herself and a small cadre of allies at the center of the maelstrom. The film stars Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Djimon Hounsou, Lee Pace, Lashana Lynch, Gemma Chan, Rune Temte, Algenis Perez Soto, Mckenna Grace, with Annette Bening, with Clark Gregg, and Jude Law. Marvel Studios’ CAPTAIN MARVEL is produced by Kevin Feige and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. Louis D’Esposito, Victoria Alonso, Jonathan Schwartz, Patricia Whitcher and Stan Lee are the executive producers.
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Visit the official CAPTAIN MARVEL site here: https://www.marvel.com/movies/captain-marvel
CAPTAIN MARVEL arrives in theatres everywhere on March 8th, 2019!
So.very.excited. My kids watch Supergirl, and the girl on that was brought up in the Danvers household…is there a relationship between the two? I would think not as it’s DC vs. Marvel, but still the choice of last names kinda made me wonder.