Category Archives: App Alert


I caught back up with all of the episodes of Geek I had been so behind. One fun thing that Cali Lewis has done is created a site called iYule where you can buy and download a beautiful crackling fireplace.

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There are quite a few versions of the iYule Log.

iYule Log for standard players

iYule Log for widescreen players

iYule Log music-free edition

iYule Log for TV & computers

iYule Log, The Complete Album

Now you might be asking yourself, why sell a 30 minute podcast of a crackling fireplace and beautiful music? Well for one thing there are plenty of DVD’s and VHS tapes out there that you can use to watch a fireplace on your TV. So now with people having many different portable media players why not have a fireplace for those as well. A crackling fireplace invokes a feeling of home so why not have that feeling with you everywhere.

This project is a collaboration between Cali Lewis and her husband Neal, Geoff Smith, and Paul Colligan, they are donating money from a portion of the proceeds of sales of the iYule Log to three charities. They are some pretty cool ones too. Geoff chose the Songs of Love Foundation, a charity that provides personalized songs for chronically and terminally ill children and young adults. Paul chose LitLiberation, the largest online literacy experiment in history. Neal and Cali chose Heifer International, a non-profit that helps families in poverty by giving them valuable live animals to provide eggs, milk and farming help.

I think these are great charities and will be buying my own version of the iYule Log for my iPod.

Update: 120707 – I am home from my trip and have just purchased and downloaded the iYule Log for standard players. It can play on both my iPod and my Zune.

Carving Pumpkins, without the mess…

Want to carve some pumpkins without getting messy.

The first way I found to do this was through the Adobe PhotoShop elements Killer Tips podcast. A podcast was released on the 29th showing you how to make a carved pumpkin in PhotoShop Elements 6.0, I’m sure you can do it in other versions as well. A good podcasts to subscribe to.

The other way I found to carve a pumpkin online was through the Pop Candy blog. Here is my attempt at a carved pumpkin.

carved pumpkin