Category Archives: Blogging


I was going to save this guy for a later video of the week but I would probably forget about it eventually. Anyway there is this guy, Greg Pattillo, who is playing a flute and beat boxing to some of the classic themes of our time, namely the Sesame Street Theme, Super Mario Brothers Theme and Inspector Gadget Theme. Yeah you know that is classic. Check out The Inspector Gadget theme. Continue reading Flute-tastic….

Help Allison pick a name…

I bet about 5 hearts stopped at reading this post’s title. No, not a baby name, a blog name. Allison is thinking about starting her own blog and we are stumped at a name for it. The blog is going to be about Bare Essentials Makeup, Photos, Family and probably TV shows. I’m thinking that when she sets up the blog We will do a he said, she said thing again and link to each other’s posts. But the name, the name is escaping us right now and she has had some offers but nothing is really jumping out at her. So leave a comment on this post with your suggestion of a blog name for Allison. Continue reading Help Allison pick a name…