Category Archives: Book

I love to read.

Harry Potter News…

Attention all Potter loving Muggles, Harry Potter continuity secured as Daniel Radcliff signed on to play Harry Potter in the next two and final movies. You may be asking yourself just how old will young Daniel be when he plays Harry Potter for the last time with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie? A movie that will probably hit theaters in 2010. Some people say that the actors are too old to be playing their character counterparts. That is not true. Daniel will only be 21 in 2010. That is a much closer gap for an actor who is playing an 18 year old than the entire cast of Beverly Hills 90210. Continue reading Harry Potter News…

Reading Skin Tight…

I have been reading Carl Hiaasen’s book Skin Tight lately. Well, I have been reading it on take offs and landings when I can’t use my iPod on the plane. And then I try and read it between fits of sleeping on the plane. I was actually fully asleep today on the plane when the captain came over the super loud speaker system and startled me awake.

Anyway the book, like all of Carl’s books is filled with a cast of eccentric characters. These characters are so well described in the books that I can picture them perfectly in my head. I just love how Carl makes such mundane things become so interesting. I also like the intricate plots that he weaves while making me laugh as I read the book. If you have not read a book by Carl Hiaasen then I suggest you check out a few of them. Skin Tight would be a good place to start and maybe Tourist Season or Skinny Dip. Each one is a good entertaining read.