Category Archives: Book

I love to read.

Getting Things Done.

I got this book a while back called Getting Things Done. There are some fantastic tips for getting your whole life organized. I would read the thing again but I let a friend, who really needed the book, borrow it. He lost it. Yep, there was nothing that Getting Things Done could do for him because he lost it pretty much right after I gave it to him to read. I really just had to laugh at how things turned out in that situation. But I did get to read this book at least once and took many things to heart.

Eragon, the book, much better than the movie…

I loved the books Eragon and Eldest. Allison and I listened to both books on CD. I picked up Eragon in a Wal-Mart in Arkansas before a very long drive to Texas from Arkansas. I absolutely loved the story and was so disappointed because the movie was so rushed and terrible. Christopher Paolini created a whole new and wonderful world. Eragon and Saphira live in that world in my mind, the world created by the movie as far as the landscape was pretty close, but the story was so off from the books that it became distracting and painful to watch. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, I think it will most likely be named Empire or something like that. No release date on the movie yet but I am constantly watching. I am anticipating this much more than the last Harry Potter book to come out (There is a series that actually translated well to the big screen).