Category Archives: Family Adventures

Andy’s Boba Tea Adventure

Andy At Kimochi
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01682

Andy now has a cell phone. Well, we got Andy a phone because Andy will be at a new school and Allison will not be at the school and we wanted them to have a phone. so, last week Eva and I went to Xfinity and got her a new phone and transferred her old phone to a new number for Andy. Andy will get the phone when school starts. We’ve been setting it up so that it has all the parental controls and such and we have a system in place so that Andy puts the phone aside at night.

Andy is always coming up with ideas. The latest idea was to take his phone and walk up to Kimochi to get boba for Allison and Eva. Andy wanted to do this alone. We’re not comfortable with that so Andy and I talked and they would walk and I would walk a ways behind them up to Kimochi. Andy did agreed and today we went to do this. The walk was good. Andy got there and ordered all the drinks. They got a drink for Eva, Allison and themselves. We had discussed what Andy would do to get the drinks home. Andy figured that one of those drink carriers would be fine and so I had Andy put the drinks in the holder and start carrying them back. Andy wanted to do this all himself, by himself. I knew that it would be a bit of a challenge and there were factors to consider.

So I let that play out. We got out of the store and we were walking back. I was walking in front of Andy and they were carrying the drinks behind me. A woman and her daughter passed us and I heard her say, “Do you need help with that?”. I turned and saw that Andy was having a little trouble keeping all the drinks upright. So, I took one off the carrier and would carry that with me and Andy would carry the other two drinks. We got back without incident. Andy was very proud to be able to surprise Allison and Eva with a nice treat.

Just Hanging Around

Just hanging around
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01680

Last year Andy won some passes to Central rock Gym. they have a few locations about the same distance from us but in opposite directions. We decided to give the facility in Randolph a try today. We drove there for when they opened and go there and found out that they were only open to members of the gym until 2pm. It was 10am. Rather than wait around I called the location in Warwick to make sure that they were open to the public when they opened at 11am. They were so we drove there.

Along the way we stopped to grab some lunch at Sonic in Rhode Island. Andy enjoyed lunch and then was ready to get to the Central Rock Gym.

We got there and filled out the necessary paperwork so that Andy could climb. Andy started out bouldering and that is the photo that I captured for today. Andy was fairly high up and hung for that one hold for a few moments before getting their feet under them and going up further. I was pretty impressed with Andy’s strength as they climbed. After doing some bouldering we got instruction on how to use the Auto belay system, which Andy already knew from Rock Spot but because it was our first time at Central Rock Gym we got a refresher. Then Andy climbed each of the auto belay routes in the gym and by that time as tired and ready to head home.

French Toast and French toast uncrustables

I made French Toast for dinner tonight along with an experiment of making French toast using uncrustables. These are peanut butter and jelly crustless pre-made sandwiches. I saw someone make them on tik tok so I wanted to try it out. It was okay, I would have preferred them to be crispier but it was hard to make a whole loaf of Italian bread French Toast and also these at the same time with bacon and tater tots and attempt to get them all out and warm at the same time. It was a nice dinner and we were joined by Eva’s friend Steven.