Category Archives: Family Adventures

Wednesday Night Dad Time

Dinner at KCs
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00058

It was a rather busy day for me today. I started off by going to the kids’ school so that I could help the principal take some video for the annual auction. I was excited because my friends at Nintendo helped me out by donating some items that I in turn donated to the auction. There is going to be a pretty sweet basket full of great Nintendo items going to some lucky kids.

This would have been more fun if I wasn’t miserable and fighting something. I got home and felt even worse so I called my doctor and got a late appointment to see someone. I had a fear that I might have pneumonia or something like that because there were people at work who had it. I did not have it, instead I had a pretty bad bronchitis. That was the major cause to the rattling in my chest.

I caught up with Allison at Karate where Andrew had gotten his stripe as well. In his next Belt Test he will move up to the Karate Kids. No more Little Dragons. Things are going to be much more challenging for him. I think the discipline will do him well and he’ll have to train harder to get his forms down. I know that he can do it.

I picked up Andrew and then we went to get Eva from theater practice. she recently got an additional role in the play. she is now one of the Duloc villagers. Apparently they have to make a weird face and sing a silly song. She’s all excited and so are we all.

I took the kids to dinner over at KC’s Classic Burger Bar because Wednesday nights are Milkshake nights. Well, they are free milkshake nights for kids. Eva and Andrew both had one and are becoming bigger and bigger fans of them. Andrew nearly finished his. He barely drinks milk because he never acquired a taste for it as a child, he was allergic. Now he shuns most milk products but not milkshakes.

Lourdes of the Ribs

Family at Chubs
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00052

I took the family to Chub’s Blue Pig BBQ for lunch today and it did not disappoint. Everyone enjoyed the food and the atmosphere of the place. We decided to go with the sampler with a full rack of ribs. It is a good thing we got a full rack because Eva pretty much devoured a half rack all on her own. Andrew wasn’t as hungry. He must have been a bit off because all he did was pick. That isn’t like him. But, then again, Eva wasn’t quite herself either as you can see below.

Evas dont touch my ribs face

Eva could not get enough of everything in the sample especially the ribs. She ate so many of them and if you tried to get anywhere near them she got quite possessive. Her friend Maryana coined the name Lourdes of the Ribs after Lord of the Rings and the Gollum character. I thought it more silly like Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the cute little attack bunny. Either way the whole family enjoyed a great lunch at Chub’s. A must eat place in our area.