Category Archives: Family Adventures

Family Adventure: Biomes Marine Biology Center

At Biomes

Last night Allison texted me and asked what we were doing tomorrow. I did not know that it was a holiday and that everyone was going to be home. When you work weekend overnights for as long as I have then you are bound to forget that the rest of the word has holidays and days off and things like that. So we talked it over and decided that we would go down to the Biomes Marine Biology Center. We went and visited this place four years ago in July and had a good time. It had been long enough that everything was new to the kids so we decided a trip back would be in order. Plus, it was supposed to be a wet and rainy day and who wants to go pick apples on a day like that. Continue reading Family Adventure: Biomes Marine Biology Center

Full Adventure Day

Photo-A-Day #3401

Today was one long adventure day for the family. We started off with a trip to Hasbro Children’s Hospital to have a follow up regarding Eva’s legs. She’s had to wear a bar, boot and braces every night for almost a year and a half. We met with the doctor covering for her usual doctor and she was pleased to tell us that Eva no longer needs to wear that stuff to bed, her legs look great and her in-toeing has been corrected. She was so excited.

Our plan today was to go to the doctor’s visit and then head to Biomes for the afternoon. Biomes opens at noon and so we had some time to kill. We went over to the Roger Williams Park to play in the Hasbro playground. Continue reading Full Adventure Day