Category Archives: Family

Demo, Remod, Moving….

Here is a story about friends who can help you out. Yesterday Allison and I had Andy and Rondi over for dinner. I made that second steak, no pictures but it looked just as good and the new marinade from McCormicks was fantastic. Andy and Rondi also came over to help us tear the wallpaper off our old bedroom walls. Thank you so much guys! Here is what the bedroom walls used to look like. Continue reading Demo, Remod, Moving….

Photo-A-Day #730 04/08/07

Taylor and the Cake

Taylor waits hungrily for a chance at my Birthday Cake. My mom handed me the cake and it had one unlit candle on it, I noticed that Taylor was eying the cake hungrily. I slipped my camera out of its case and snapped this picture. I timed it right to cake Taylor’s tongue sticking out. She is such a good dog because she was inches away from the cake but did not even try to eat it. But we weren’t about to tempt fate so we got the cake a safe distance away from her. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #730 04/08/07