About a week ago I got a text out of the blue from my former LEGO show partner, Brian. He was looing to see if I still had a hat that I used to have when I filmed with him. I did not but I did still have one of his LEGO dinosaurs. He had given it to me so that I could make an animation with it. that never happened but the dino has been living in my office for the past few years. I told him that I still had it and we set up a time for me to bring it back over to him.
Tonight I went to see Brian and give him back his dinosaur. It was pleasant enough but awkward as expected.
I’m back at the old office tonight because the new location for us is undergoing some construction. For my new position we have a whole room being made ready for us to use each weekend. They are installing TVs and a generator. So, hopefully the room will work well for our needs.
While wandering the office here I saw this great LEGO set which is essentially a unity flag. I’ve wanted to pick this set up for the kids but it sold out pretty quickly when it first came out.
LEGO has been on my mind lately because my old YouTube partner contacted me the other day. He’s been asked to try out for LEGO Masters again. Apparently he got al the way to be an alternate on a pervious season but they have asked him to try out again. That’s pretty cool. I’m going to see him this week and get him one of his LEGO dinosaurs back to him.