Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Happy Easter 2011

Photo-A-Day #2207

Today was a wonderful Easter. We were up early and off to 8:00am Mass. Eva sat with Auntie Tara and Uncle Erik and Memere. Allison and I sat two pews up with Grandfather. It was a nice Mass and Fr. Dave’s homily was entertaining and informative. After Mass I took a photo of Eva with my cameraphone and sent it to Mimi and Grandpa Dano’s Kodak Pulse wi-fi enabled Digital Photo Frame. I also posted it to Facebook. She was so cute. Continue reading Happy Easter 2011

Some Indoor Gardening with Dora the Explorer

Photo-A-Day #2206

Today it was pretty rainy so no outdoor play. Instead we decided to go to a movie. We went and saw Hop. Eva liked it. Allison and I had some laughs while watching it too. It is always funny when Eva watches a movie with us. She laughs hysterically when we laugh at anything in the movies. So, she had a great time watching the movie. As we were leaving Allison asked Eva what her favorite part of the movie was. She said that it was when E.B. and his father reunited. That was so cute. Continue reading Some Indoor Gardening with Dora the Explorer