Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

WordPress Providence: CMS SmackDown!

Photo-A-Day #2139

Tonight I went to McFadden’s in Providence for WordPress Providence. Tonight was our monthly meetup and it was a very special one. We combined our meetup with the Drupal Providence meetup group for CMS SmackDown. It wasn’t exactly a SmackDown but more of a great discussion with five different CMS platforms. Continue reading WordPress Providence: CMS SmackDown!

The Shine is Starting to Crack

Photo-A-Day #2138

This photo was so much what I was feeling today. I took a walk at lunchtime and saw how the ice was so thick and at the same time cracked and pushed up against the rocks. I thought to myself that the shine was beginning to crack. There is one aspect of my life right now where the shine is really starting to crack. And I can’t talk about it publicly and that drives me crazy. Rest assured that health, family, finances are all good. Continue reading The Shine is Starting to Crack