Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Jim Kukral’s Affiliate Superfriends!

Photo-A-Day #1957

Today was the 3rd and final day of Affiliate Summit East 2010. My morning started very, very slowly. I did not go down to the blogger lounge first thing and even made it there way later than expected. I was able to write a quick post for Blogging Tips, I actually used some of the questions from the Panel that I would be on later in the day. Continue reading Jim Kukral’s Affiliate Superfriends!

The Traveling Sweater Vest, Penguin Style

Photo-A-Day #1956

The second day of Affiliate Summit East started very early for me. I ended up getting up and going to the blogger lounge to get some posts written. I love being the first person there and getting some crazy amounts of work completed. So for an hour I was able to write posts and post photos and really get my thoughts together. Today as I write this I am on the train headed home. There was no time for me to come in and write the Monday and Tuesday Posts, so I will do this on the train ride. Continue reading The Traveling Sweater Vest, Penguin Style