Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #688 02/25/07

Dad at the Computer

Mom and Dad are using the old laptop quite frequently these days. I’m still getting used to them reading the blog on a daily basis. For such a long time they were not online so they weren’t up on everything that I was doing on the road until I came home. Now when I come home Dad or Mom lets me know that they read about my trips, and trials on those trips. I think it is great that they are following this blog so closely.

Tonight Dad and I worked on sending e-mails with pictures to friends. He just had a great trip in Florida and wanted to send some pictures to the people down there, mainly our neighbors at the Cape and my Aunt and Uncle and their two girls. So I set up a few things and showed Dad a few things then we switched places and Dad said to me, “You watching me do this is like me watching you drive nails.” And he is right, we are both very good at our talents and can see a hundred different ways that something can be done better or how we would have done it. But the great thing is that we let each other find our own ways of doing those things. And eventually we get better at them in our own time.

Today we spent the morning and early afternoon with Dan and Marcia and we went to lunch at Luisa’s with them and we met up with Nate and Sarah. We had a very nice lunch with everyone and then headed home. I am under the weather now and so I took a nice long nap when we got home. Then we watched Saturday Night Live that we had taped from Saturday. It was okay, not that great but I did like the opening and the monologue.

We then watched part of the Oscars and well, it is late and I am sick and it is time to head to bed.

Photo-A-Day #687 02/24/07

Lindsay and Dave

Today I flew back from Pittsburgh. And I know I say it every time I go to that airport but I like the Pittsburgh airport because of the free wireless Internet access (Id say wi-fi but since I don’t know the actual meaning of the term I don’t want to incur Andy’s wrath for my using it wrong). I think every airport should make the wireless Internet complimentary. It would certainly alleviate some of the tension that business travelers face when they are delayed in an airport.

I got home with no drama except the flight attendant asked me if I would switch seats with a mother and daughter so they could sit together. Like a polite chump I agreed and I gave up the two seat row that I had all to myself. Oh well it was only an hour flight no biggie. I continued to read Skin Tight and also watched a few episodes of the Talking Tech podcast from USA Today. I’d love for companies to send me cool stuff to review like Ed and Jeff. Maybe I should write to some kayak companies to see if they would send me stuff to review on The Wired Kayaker.

Tonight Allison and I went to a surprise engagement party for Lindsay and Dave. We had a very good time there. I have some additional pictures from tonight.

Lindsay and Dave
Lindsay and Dave

The Chocolate Fountain
The Chocolate Fountain

Five of the bridesmaids and Lindsay
Five of the bridesmaids and Lindsay

The Arch
Good thing I was there or else this arch would still be on the floor.

Take a look at this sponsored post that I put up about the movie The Ultimate Gift. I am very excited about this movie. Take a look at the trailer when you get a chance and if you can see it on the weekend of March 9th then please go see it. I truly believe that the message that this movie is trying to get out there is important.