I worked from home today. When I work from home a few things happen. One I work, two I end up being overwhelmed by needy little cats. Oliver and Duncan cannot keep from spending all their time with me, walking all over me. So when Mommy gets home Oliver keeps up the needy act and ends up getting relaxed on Allison’s lap. Oliver and Duncan live the life of Riley. They really do. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #769 05/17/07
Category Archives: Photo-A-Day
Photo-A-Day #768 05/16/07
I won the One for Me One for You contest by Christine. so don’t expect any more annoying e-mails from me to remind you to vote. I am really happy with the number of votes I ended up with and how they came together on a last ditch effort to pull out the win. I thank everyone who helped me out with votes. There were some people in Blog Catalog who helped me out and I wanted to link to them to show them some linky love. They were Chris at Wampango, Steve at Cymru66, mindCatching Design, 7 Confessions, VeggieBlogs and Elizabeth.
I cannot forget that my friend Maureen put up a great post to help me win this contest. I overlooked that and I know that it brought me many votes, I am a bad friend. I hope that we’re not In a fight. Continue reading Photo-A-Day #768 05/16/07