Category Archives: Photo-A-Day

Photo-A-Day #443 06/25/06

I have two photos with groups of people in them that are bonus pictures from today. Since I couldn’t decide between the lunch and dinner photos of the groups of fellow diners I choose a picture of my tasty lunch at Isaac’s Deli today. Isaac’s is a great little deli in and around PA that has a funky theme. Each of the sandwiches are named for birds. The mascot is a pink flamingo and they use Pretzel Rolls. Great big soft pretzels baked as rolls for your sandwich. Fantastic. I got the Texas Wren. Don’t think that if your favorite sandwich is not on the Pretzel Roll page that it means you can’t get it on a pretzel roll, no sir. You can get any sandwich on the pretzel roll, it is up to you.

We went to Issac’s with Elise and Charles and Elise’s sister Amy. Amy just got back from camp and she had a great time. We are looking forward to our next vacation up to Elise’s parent’s place in Maine when we can see Amy again. We had a great meal and a great afternoon. Here’s Bonus Photo #1.

Charles, Elise, Amy, and Allison

After we dropped Amy back with Elise’s parent’s we went back to Elise and Charles’ place, I caught a quick nap before Justin and Vicki arrived at the house. We were going to go mini golfing or something out of doors but it was pouring so we opted for dinner and a movie. For dinner we went to Gullifty’s for dinner and it was really tasty. They had a huge selection of meals and they had great fruit flavored lemonades and Iced Teas. I’m a huge lemonade fan myself and 9 times out of 10 I choose it as my dining drink. I did have a Lager Lite and then switched to Strawberry Lemonade. Such a good strawberry lemonade, not as good as the ones I had in Oregon at a place I can’t remember the name of. I need to go back there again and have another meal. Someday I’ll get back to Ashland, OR.

After dinner we went to the West Shore Theatre, a second run theater where movies are $3.00 each and they have a reasonable snack bar too. It is a good historical theatre and I hope the doors stay open. We lost the zeotrope in Franklin, MA and that was a big loss to history as well as small independent theatres in America. If there is a small independent theatre near you, go support it. We ended up seeing The Break-Up. I liked it, I liked it for many reasons, 1. Peter Billingsley is all grown up and producing and acted in this movie, 2. Vince Vaughn’s delivery of lines, and 3. The ending, which I won’t give away but it was good and realistic. Elise did not like the ending.

It was very nice to see Vicki and Justin and get to talk. We found out that Charles, Justin and myself are all very in tune with the finances of our households, to a similarly scary degree.

Here is bonus Photo #2.

Allison,Elise,Vicki,Justin and Charles.

Photo-A-Day #441 06/23/06


This is Jake. Jake is Elise and Charles’ dog. He is such a cutie. Jake is so full of energy and fun. Elise and Jake play with bubbles (animal friendly ones) Jake has a great time catching them in the air or stomping them out on the rug. I got a bunch of photos while he played.

get it Jakey
Get it Jakey!

Take the Picture Quick, this is the most still I've been all day.
Take the Picture Quick, this is the most still I’ve been all day.

So Many Bubbles. What to Do? What to Do?
So Many Bubbles. What to Do? What to Do?

More Please!
More Please!

You Looking at Me!
You Looking at Me!

Jake loves them bubbles.
Jake loves them bubbles.

So today Allison and I drove to PA. The Pike to 84 to 81 and here we are. We made a couple of stops but we made it by 3:00pm. We listed to three CD’s from Eragon and it was good to go back and re-listen to the start of this series. Some things I picked up on more the second time around. We played, stop after every chapter to sort out the myriad of details. We played this game less and less as the day went on as Allison was picking up the story very quickly.

We had lunch at Marvelous Mugs and the meal was a very good one. Now we are at Elise and Charles’ house and are getting ready for dinner. Tomorrow we get up early for a trip to York to go to the Harley Davidson Factory for a tour. No camera’s are allowed inside so I’ll only get to take pictures in the tour center, bummer.

If you do not want to read about a terrible story of animal cruelty and my thoughts on it, stop reading now.

If you are an animal lover and live in Massachusetts you may have seen the very disturbing story that aired this morning on the news. I heard it this morning as we said goodbye to my parents. It was a story about a small dog that was viciously murdered by some sick individual who impaled the dog on an iron fence. I felt sick and the feeling stuck with me most of the ride to PA. (I guess that is why I wanted Jake to be today’s Photo-A-Day, he’s such a loving pet and so full of life.) How could anyone do that to a dog? Apparently the dog was taken on April 17th from the backyard of the owner and this past Tuesday some sick bastard picked up the 13lb miniature Pinscher above their head and slammed it down on the spikes of a wrought iron fence in Roxbury. How can someone do this sort of thing? I understand that people do much worse things to other people and that in perspective that this was a dog. I’m not going to argue the importance or value of one over the other, although some pets I like way more than some people. This sort of story will haunt me for a long time.

It is like the story where in a fit of ‘Road Rage’ some bastard got out of his car after a fender bender with a woman, reached into her car and pulled out her Bichon Frise and hurled it into oncoming traffic, got in his car and drove away. That story still sticks with me as an horrific, sick and evil act. I did a search on the story about the Bichon Frise – Leo. The guy who killed Leo got the maximum sentence for his crime, Three Years! Not near long enough in my opinion. That was in 2001, he’s out now.

Massachusetts is a state where animal cruelty can get you a five year jail sentence. I certainly hope that they capture the scumbag in Roxbury who killed the miniature Pinscher and toss his craven ass in jail. There’s more I want to say about what I want to happen to this loser this but it is not fit to print.

Sick, depraved, weak and despicable, there are no words evil enough to describe these actions. To take an innocent, helpless, dependent life and snuff it out without so much as a thought is detestable.