Category Archives: Review

Playmobil Naruto Figures

Playmobil Naruto Figures
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01500

The fine folks at Playmobil sent me a set of their new Naruto figures for free so that I could make an unboxing video. I haven’t had a chance to make it yet but will be doing so later this week.

I don’t have much experience with the anime show, Naruto but Fortnite did a crossover with it once and that seemed like fun. So, when i was offered the pack I jumped at it. I am so sure that I’m going to screw up the pronunciation of each character’s name. I should do some research before the video.

Cereal Review: Trix Minis

Trix Minis
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01487

I occasionally receive free sample boxes of General Mills Cereals to review the newest items coming to the stores. The latest cereal that I got was the new Trix Minis. Many of the General Mills Cereals are going to a mini size. Trix is one of those.

The cereal still packs the same flavor as regular sized Trix but they are much smaller. This makes for being able to get a bunch of them on the spoon at the same time. You can get all the flavors in one spoonful and smaller pieces are much easier to chew. This is going to e a hit with little kids.