Category Archives: Review

At Least I Had Good Snacks

Photo-A-Day #2494

Well, Super Bowl Sunday has come and gone (It is nearing midnight for me) and the New England Patriots lost. Oh man that was a close one. I guess since I was listening to my cubemate watch the game online and getting updates on my phone from my wife. I spent my time fielding calls and watching the commercials. I guess that I should not have bought that Scratch Ticket yesterday, for more reasons than one. But, even though we were at work we still had decent snacks and much of that was because of Bob Evans. Continue reading At Least I Had Good Snacks

An Organized Life with

Last Thursday night I went to a party at my fellow Isis Fellow, Annie Stow’s, of Stowed Stuff, house. I was there for a party. is an online calendar program but much more than that. It is a way for you to create your own personal social network with real friends and real family. You know, the people that you actually know and hang out with. The people who come to your kids soccer games or take your kids to school. Continue reading An Organized Life with