Category Archives: Review

SwagsGiving 2 Giveaway: Mermaid Island

In our house we love to play board games as a family. Inevitably there are winners and losers. For a pre-schooler it can be devastating not to win at a simple game. Parents can feel guilty and “let the kid win”, which is a hollow victory. How about a game that you can play with a family and nobody comes out a loser, or everyone comes out a loser but you do it together. I’m talking about cooperative games. For today’s SwagsGiving giveaway I have one such cooperative game called Mermaid Island.

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SwagsGiving 2 Giveaway: Prehistoric Anamalz

Anamalz are just about the cutest hand made wooden toys I have ever come across. We received and reviewed a few Anamalz characters back in June and Eva loves them. We got a Giraffe and a Brontosaurus. When I was asking sponsors for toys for SwagsGiving Anamalz was tops on my list. Specifically Prehistoric Anamalz. And so I received a Tyrannosaurus Rex and a Triceratops. Why those ones? Well, they are some of my favorite dinosaurs. I even had a stuffed Triceratops while growing up.

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