Photo-A-Day #2224
Between my two Sigma lenses that came with my camera the 28-70mm one is much better for using the Zeikos Close up lens filters. I took the +4 and +10 close up filters, my Gorillapod and my camera to the yard. Today I went with a theme of Dandelions. I liked the dandelion in partial seed, it had a cool look to it. I also took a few more photos of other dandelions.
Here is one full puffball.

Then there is the one in full bloom.

Tonight Allison went out to dinner with her friends. Eva and I went out for a nice dinner at LA Roberts. On Thursday nights LA Roberts has all you can eat chicken dinner. It is family style with shell pasta, chicken, fries, bread and salad. For dessert they give you a scoop of ice cream with chocolate sauce. For kids under 4 they eat free. So for less than what it would have cost Eva and I to go to McDonalds we get a much better meal together. Eva was so cute and chatted with our server. I think that she thought that Eva was older than 4 and so we got charged for a kid’s meal, but I corrected that quickly and easily. We had a very nice meal and a nice time together. She’s such a polite little kid.
All of these are gorgeous, but I especially love the bottom one!!!
Thanks Keri,
I liked the bottom one as well but I thought the PAD was more compelling.
Great photos. I like the one in partial seed too the best.
Thanks Deborah, That was was fun because I tried many different focus points on that one.
Great photos! I see that you use Nikon, is there a specific reason? I use Canon 50D and always been satisfied with it.
The idea of photo-a-day is also brilliant! Nice job!
the whole family has Nikons so sharing lenses was a big factor. Glad you like the Photo-A-Day project.
I’m totally loving this Photo A Day project! Just visiting here, it’s opening my eyes to the millions of beautiful photo opportunities surrounding me, even in my messy apartment with my 9 month-old crawling around and perpetually trying to gnaw on the remote control. =)
The dandelions are absolutely beautiful, but I’m partial to the one in full bloom. They might be weeds to some, but I’ve always thought they’re just happy little flowers.
Thank you so much for the great comment. Are you thinking of starting your own Photo-A-Day project? If so shuttercal is a very easy way to do this. You don’t have to blog it or anything you can just do the project for yourself. Glad you are enjoying the project and my photos. Seems like there are a couple of votes for the last photo. It was a close second in choosing the Photo-A-Day.